Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety

Since 2009, the Medical Sector has provided diabetes-related activities integrating clinical care research and trials, education, prevention and management ensuring patient safety and quality.

It is a fundamental pillar for promoting enhancements in prevention, education, diagnosis and therapies by combining disciplines, resources, expertise, and techniques within its function. Quality activities were focused on a defined set of quality dimensions that were proposed by Accreditation Canada; population focus, accessibility, safety, work-life, client-centered services, continuity of services, effectiveness, and efficiency.

Quality Plans

  • Our Quality and Patient Safety (QPS) team works closely with other Medical Sector Units to raise the level of quality provided by incorporating quality activities into their workplans.
  • Patient complaints are continuously reviewed and managed through the Public Relations Department to improve the quality of services provided to patients. In addition, a Patient & Family Advisory Council (PFAC) has been introduced and is planned to be operational once patients are being recruited as members.

Standards of Care

Our Medical Sector Units comply with the Accreditation Canada standards, and policies and procedures are continuously being developed and updated in alignment with these standards. Our patient care pathway has been redesigned to be aligned with the strategic objectives of prevention and management of diabetes and its complications.

Patient Safety

Patient safety activities are implemented through the joint effort of the Medical Units, QPS Team, and the Emergency & Safety Committee at DDI.

Hosting awareness events, like Patient Safety Day, aim to raise awareness, drive improvement and stimulate innovative solutions by emphasizing the importance of establishing a safety culture at all levels of an organization.

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