Public Awareness
DDI has expanded the public’s awareness of Diabetes through educational events, outreaches, events, seminars, lectures, and by ensuring public engagement and participation.
Additionally, other social media platforms continued to be utilized and optimized to ensure awareness is maintained at a community and population-level. A breakdown of the 2023 activities is illustrated in the Overview below:
2023 DDI Activities


Awareness Information

Press Releases

Health awareness videos

Public awareness posts

Awareness tweets
DDI officially launched the DasmanSwitch health App for Android and iOS mobile phones in February 2022. The DasmanSwitch application helps consumers in Kuwait make better food choices when shopping for packaged items. By simply scanning the barcode, the App will suggest healthier alternatives for unhealthy choices.
DasmanSwitch provides two viewing modes, a Health Star Rating that the product healthiness out of 5 stars or Traffic Light Labels that color-codes items based on health, ‘red’, ‘yellow’, and ‘green’.
Users can further personalize their search using the filter or Switches:
- FoodSwitch (overall health)
- Energy Switch (calorie management)
- SugarSwitch (less total sugar)
DiabetesSwitch (designed to help people with diabetes so that healthier options are suggested based on their nutritional need).

For more information about DasmanSwitch, click on the button below.
DDI Videos
DDI continued to provide awareness videos through the DDI website which include educational interviews, research interviews, scientific updates, Ramadan awareness and newsworthy highlights on DDI activities. A total of 105 videos were uploaded in 2023 on DDI’s media page and Instagram.
To view our Media page, click on the button below.
Research Newsletter
DDI delivered quarterly Research Newsletters to share and promote research in DDI while increasing the public awareness of research activities and achievements within.

To read our Newsletter articles, click on the button below: